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Experimental result in a sentence

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Sentence count:109Posted:2021-03-13Updated:2021-03-13
Similar words: experimentalexperimentallyexperimentalismexperimentalistexperimental modelexperimental errorexperimental designexperimental method
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1. The calculations are then used to predict experimental results.
2. This conclusion is based on the experimental results obtained with hexamethonium and lidocaine.
3. These theoretical discussions are consistent with recent experimental results that are also summarized in section 9. 3.
4. Significant figures in an experimental result are those figures known to be valid.
5. Results - which states the experimental results obtained and provides illustrative examples. 5.
6. Experimental results indicated that the enzymatically active PLA2 found in serum in experimental porcine pancreatitis might originate from the pancreas.
7. The experimental results that encouraged the financiers to support a rotor ship were truly spectacular.
8. Finally, according experimental result, designed the three-phase current balance loop. The experimental results shows that the current balance is significant improved.
9. Experimental result based on Mujava shows that the class test strategy has effective defect detection rate.
10. Experimental result shows that HAZOP and fault diagnosis technology based on SDG have many advantages such as good maturity, savin...
11. The reliability design and some experimental result analysis were made on conclusion.
12. The experimental result that the best membrane is polyethylene which the thickness is better than another and has bleeder vent.
13. Experimental result indicated that rare earth element may promote growth of hypha and increase weight of dry matter, and also improve quality and nutrient value of edible fungi.
14. The experimental result indicates that the new spectral prediction model can give more accurate spectral predicted value than the other's.
15. The experimental result shows that the algorithm can predict idle period preferably in system with smooth workload and fits as policy of dynamic power management.
16. Experimental result show that the watermarking method based on SVD used to attack the image processing performs well in both imperceptibility and robustness.
17. Experimental result shows that the mechanism has strong expansibility, efficient search capability and higher recall rate.
18. What is needed is some basis for estimating the functional from a finite number of experimental results.
19. A further problem arises from the fact that the experimental results of critical importance are far from clear-cut.
20. Abinitio calculations and computer analysis have been extensively used to demonstrate acceptable correlations between theoretical and experimental results.
21. In theoretical physics,[] the search for logical self-consistency has always been more important in making advances than experimental results.
22. The final two chapters look more closely at the interaction between top-down and bottom-up information given the experimental results.
23. Snow was involved in a whiff of controversy about some experimental results obtained in the 1930s.
24. At least, that was how the scientists interpreted their experimental results.
25. The values tabulated here give us a measure of comparison for Kaimann's experimental results.
26. Detection of the photon rest mass is dependent on a rotating torsion pendulum method,[ ] where the precision of the experimental result is mainly dependent on the amplitude of the modulating signal.
27. In the laboratory environment, based on text-independent and close-set condition, the three methods have been tested by 26 speakers' recording voice and the experimental result is 100% correct rate.
28. The four-quadrant convertor experiment which is under the transient direct current control has been finished. The experimental result proves the correctness of the analysis conclusion.
29. As a typical application of this kind chaotic attractor, we design a new secure communication system via DSP implementation and give the experimental result.
30. The degree of deacetylation of chitosan prepared by the optimum condition is 88.53%, the viscosity average molecular mass is 9048. The experimental result mainly accorded the prospective desire.
More similar words: experimentalexperimentallyexperimentalismexperimentalistexperimental modelexperimental errorexperimental designexperimental methodexperimental procedureexperimental conditionexperimental psychologyexperimentationexperimentexperimenterexperiment onfinal resultmental representationrandom experimentexperiment designscientific experimentcontrol experimentexpected resultthrough an experimentdesign of experimentsmental reservationfundamental researchnutrimentaldetrimentalincremental revenuemental retardation
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